Sunday, 26 October 2014

List Making - the solution to your busy brain!

I am one of those people whose mind works at 100,000,000 miles a minute. I can't keep up with it, Nicki can't keep up with's scary sometimes. My mind is constantly churning, popping out ideas, inspirations, things to do, the future, the past, sometimes it's difficult to focus on the present when my brain won't let me. And more often that not those thoughts like to pop in to my head at 11pm when I'm trying to sleep, yup, I'm sure you know the feeling, and your like "Brain, really? you want to think about this now?" Whoa! I feel exhausted just writing this.

I am constantly being inspired by everything around me and my brain just loves it!! I am blessed to have a creative mind, it's forms a big part of my well-being. My thoughts just need to be organised and put somewhere other than floating around in my head.

And soooo, welcome to my magical world of list-making...

Yes, a very simple solution to that complex brain of yours. List-making compiles all of my thoughts in to structured categories, once they are put to paper, my brain can relax because they are not going anywhere. It really helps me and ensures I don't 'forget' anything, because heaven forbid that happens and I'm just the biggest failure in the world... yup you weirdo's will know what I'm talking about.

I use this notebook I got as a free gift from Redken (weird, I know) It's a lovely notebook that has blank thick paper pages which I like and an elastic page divider which is really handy. You can get notebooks in all different shapes and sizes, I bought Nicki a pocket sized one which he uses at work to jot down his to do lists for the day. I have a magnetic shopping list notepad on my fridge which is so handy for scribbling things we need to buy as they run out.

I write lists of anything - to-do lists, draft ideas, YouTube ideas, things I plan on doing in the house, Xmas gift lists, event planning, shopping lists... The list goes on.

I find it really helps me keep on top of things. I don't feel as worried or anxious because I know I have everything organised and I can just refer back to my list to check on things and It's the best feeling when I get to tick things off :)

I don't put pressure on how long it takes me to get through my lists, I just feel content knowing that the thought or idea isn't going anywhere as it's written down. I have things still noted down from last year, projects I want to do in the house and they will get ticked off someday. In the meantime it's there as a little reminder and it won't get lost in my wandering little brain.

One of my biggest tips would be to keep a notepad next to your bed and when that niggling thought or idea pops in to your head, distracting you from sleep, just note it down on your pad. I find this really helps my brain switch off and I can refer to that thought or idea tomorrow at a convenient time for me. Ha! brain, that's right! I am the master of my thoughts :)

Do you take lists?  Do you find them helpful? Any note taking tips? I'm all ears :)

Angela x

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